TOEIC英・英単語 T-1

table /téibl/ n1. a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating at, putting things on, etc. n2. an arrangement of facts or numbers in...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-2

take part (in sth) to do an activity with other people take place to happen take sb by surprise To take someone by surprise means to do some...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-3

taper /téipər/ n. a very thin candle or a very thin strip of wood, used especially in the past for lighting candles, fires, etc. v. to becom...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-4

tense /téns/ adj1. nervous and not able to relax adj2. A tense situation makes you feel nervous. n. in grammar, the form of a verb that show...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-5

thereby /ðèərbái/ adv. because of this; as a result of this action therefore /ðéərfɔ`:r/ adv. as a result; because of that; for that reason ...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-6

tie /tái/ n. a long, thin piece of cloth that a man wears around his neck with a shirt v1. to fasten something with string, rope, etc. v2. t...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-7

tolerant /tɑ'lərənt/ adj1. having the ability to bear something unpleasant or annoying, or to keep going despite difficulties adj2. will...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-8

trading company a business that buys and sells goods tradition /trədíʃən/ n. a custom or way of behaving that has continued for a long time ...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-9

transport /trænspɔ':rt/ v. to move people or things from one place to another transportation /træ`nspərtéiʃən/ n1. the movement of peopl...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-10

trust /trʌ'st/ n. the belief that you can trust someone or something v. to believe that someone is good and honest and will not harm you...

TOEIC英・英単語 T-11

turn up to arrive turnabout /tə':rnəbàut/ n. a complete change from one situation or condition to its opposite turnaround /tə':n(ə)r...