ubiquitous/ju:bíkwətəs/adj. found or existing everywhere
ugly/ʌ'gli/adj. not pleasant to look at
ulcer/ʌ'lsər/n. a painful infected area on your skin or inside your body
ultimate/ʌ'ltəmət/adj. better, worse, or greater than all similar things
ultimately/ʌ'ltəmətli/adv. finally; in the end
unacceptable/ʌ`nəkséptəbl/adj. too bad to be accepted or allowed to continue
unanimous/ju:næ'nəməs/adj. agreed by everyone
unavailable/ʌ`nəvéiləbl/adj1. not able to talk to someone or meet someone, especially because you are doing other things
adj2. impossible to buy or get
unbearable/ʌ`nbéərəbl/adj. very painful or unpleasant
unbearably/ʌ`nbéərəbli/adv. with an extreme quality or state so unpleasant that you find it hard to accept
unbiased/ʌnbáiəst/adj. able to judge fairly because you are not influenced by your own opinions
uncertain/ʌnsə':rt(ə)n/adj. not sure or not able to decide about something
uncomfortable/ʌ`nkʌ'm(p)ftəbl/adj1. not making you feel comfortable and pleasant
adj2. slightly embarrassed, or making you feel slightly embarrassed
unconditional/ʌ`nkəndíʃ(ə)n(ə)l/adj. complete and not limited in any way
uncover/ʌnkʌ'vər/v. to discover something that had been secret or hidden
under attack, consideration, discussion, etc.in the process of being attacked, considered, discussed, etc.
underestimate/ʌ`nd(ə)réstimət/v. to fail to understand how large, strong, or important something is
undergo/ʌ`ndərgóu/v. to experience something, especially a change or medical treatment
undergraduate/ʌ`ndəgræ'ʤuət/n. a student at a college or university who has not yet received their first university degree
underlie/ʌ`ndərlái/v. to be a cause of or strong influence on something
underline/ʌ'ndərlàin/v1. to draw a line under a word or words
v2. to emphasize the importance or truth of something
undermine/ʌ`ndərmáin/v. to gradually weaken or destroy someone or something
understaffed/ʌ`ndəstɑ':ft/adj. not having enough employees
undertake to do sthto promise to do something
underway/ʌ`ndərwéi/adj.adv. beginning to exist or is happening now