TOEIC英・英単語 T-3

n. a very thin candle or a very thin strip of wood, used especially in the past for lighting candles, fires, etc.

v. to become gradually narrower at one end, or to make something do this

adj. late in happening or arriving

n1. something or someone that you attack, shoot at, try to hit, etc.

n2. something that you are trying to do

target market
the group of people that a company wants to sell its products or services to

n. a government charge on goods entering or leaving a country

n. a piece of work, especially something unpleasant

n. money that you have to pay to the government from what you earn or when you buy things

v. to make someone pay a tax

tax break
a change in law that results in the opportunity to pay less in taxes

adj. not considered as part of your income when you calculate your taxes

v. to laugh at someone or say bad things to them

n. a small spoon that is used for mixing drinks and measuring small amounts of food, or the amount this spoon can hold

adj1. relating to the knowledge, machines, or methods used in science and industry

adj2. relating to practical skills and methods that are used in a particular activity

n. a particular way of doing something

adj. relating to or involving technology

n. knowledge, equipment, and methods that are used in science and industry

n. communication using phones, radios, etc.

n. a situation in which someone works for an organization from their home and communicates with the main office and customers, etc. by phone or email; teleworking

telephone directory
a book containing the phone numbers for a particular area, organization, etc.

tell on sb
to give information about someone's bad behavior or secrets

n. someone who works at a bank and helps customers put money in or take money out

n. how hot or cold something is

adj. existing or happening for only a short time

n. someone who pays money to live in a room, house, etc.

tend to do sth
to often do a particular thing

n. something that someone often does, or something that often happens

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