TOEIC英・英単語 T-1

n1. a piece of furniture with four legs, used for eating at, putting things on, etc.

n2. an arrangement of facts or numbers in a special order

n. a large spoon used for measuring or serving food, or the amount this spoon can hold

n1. a small, round, solid object made of medicine; a pill

n2. sheets paper that have been fastened together at one edge, used for writing or drawing; a pad

n3. a piece of stone or other hard material used for writing, esp. in ancient times

n. the knives, forks, spoons, plates, glasses, etc. used for meals

n. an attempt to get the ball from someone, or to catch someone or knock someone down, in games like football and rugby

v1. to try to stop a problem

v2. to try to get the ball from someone, or to try to catch someone or knock someone down, in games like football and rugby

n. the ability to talk to people about difficult subjects without upsetting them

n1. a specific action intended to get a particular result

n2. Tactics is the science of planning the arrangement and use of military forces and equipment in war.

n. a type of soft chewy sweet

n. a small piece of paper or plastic with information on it that is fixed to something

n. someone whose job is to make or repair clothes, especially men’s clothes

take a risk
to do something although something bad might happen because of it

take action
to do something in order to solve a problem

take advantage of sb/sth
to treat someone or something badly in order to get what you want

take advantage of sth
to use the things that are good or that can help you in a situation

take after sb
to be similar to an older person in your family

take care (of yourself)
used when saying goodby to someone

take care of sb/sth
to look after someone or something

take charge (of something)
to accept responsibility for something and have control over it

take effect
to start to produce results or changes

take it for granted
to believe that something is true without checking or thinking about it

take off
1. to suddenly become popular or successful

2. (of an aircraft) to leave the ground and fly

3. To take off is to leave suddenly.

take off sth
to use a period of time for a purpose that is different from what a person usually does

take on sb/sth
to fight or compete against someone or something

take on sth
to begin to have, use, or do something

take over (sth)
to get control of something, or to do something instead of someone else

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