TOEIC英・英単語 A-2

across /əkrɔ(:)s/ adv.prep. from one side to the other of something with clear limits, such as an area of land, a road or river
across /əkrɔ(:)s/ prep. on the opposite side of: in every part of a particular place or country
act as to do a particular job, especially one that you do not normally do: to have a particular effect
acting /æ'ktiŋ/ n. the job of performing in films or plays
activate /æ'ktəvèit/ v. to cause something to start
activity /æktívəti/ n1. when a lot of things are happening or people are moving around
activity /æktívəti/ n2. the work of a group or organization to achieve an aim
activity /æktívəti/ n3. something that is done for enjoyment, especially an organized event
actual /æ'kʧuəl/ adj. real; existing in fact
actually /æ'kʧuəli/ adv1. used to add new information to what you have just said, to give your opinion, or to start a new conversation
actually /æ'kʧuəli/ adv2. used to emphasize the real or exact truth of a situation, rather than what people may think
acute /əkjú:t/ adj1. If a bad situation is acute, it causes severe problems or damage
acute /əkjú:t/ adj2. An acute pain or illness is one that quickly becomes very severe
acute /əkjú:t/ adj3. (of the senses, intelligence, etc.) very good, accurate and able to notice very small differences
acute /əkjú:t/ adj4. describes an angle that is less than 90 degrees
ad /æ'd/ n. an advertisement
ad agency n. a company that produces advertisements
adapt /ədæ'pt/ v1. to change something to suit different conditions or uses
adapt /ədæ'pt/ v2. to become familiar with a new situation
adaptable /ədæ'ptəbl/ adj. able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions
adaptation /æ`dəptéiʃən/ n1. the process of changing to suit different conditions
adaptation /æ`dəptéiʃən/ n2. a film, book, play, etc that has been made from another film, book, play, etc.
add /æ'd/ v. to put something with something else to increase the number or amount or to improve the whole
add up to calculate the total of several numbers
addition /ədíʃən/ n1. the process of adding two or more numbers together to find their total
addition /ədíʃən/ n2. a thing that is added to something else: the act of adding something to something else
additional /ədíʃənl/ adj. more than what was agreed or expected
additive /æ'dətiv/ n. a substance which is added to food in order to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it
address /ədrés/ n1. number of the house, name of the road and town where a person lives or works and where letters can be sent
address /ədrés/ n2. the place where a piece of information is stored in a computer's memory: a formal speech
address /ədrés/ v1. to speak or write to someone: to give attention to or deal with a matter or problem
address /ədrés/ v2. to write a name or address on an envelope or parcel
adequacy /æ'dikwəsi/ n. the quality of being good enough or great enough in amount to be acceptable
adequate /æ'dikwət/ adj. enough or satisfactory for a particular purpose
adequately /æ'dikwətli/ adv. in an adequate manner or to an adequate degree
adhere /ədhíə(r)/ v. to stick firmly
adhere to sth to continue to obey a rule or have a belief
adherent /ædhí(ə)rənt/ n. someone who supports a particular belief, plan, political party etc
adjacent /əʤéisnt/ adj. very near, next to, or touching
adjourn /əʤə':rn/ v. to have a pause or rest during a formal meeting or trial
adjust /əʤʌ'st/ v1. to change something slightly, especially to make it more correct, effective, or suitable
adjust /əʤʌ'st/ v2. to become more familiar with a new situation
adjustment /əʤʌ'stmənt/ n. a small change made to a machine, system, or calculation: a change in the way that someone behaves or thinks
administer /ædmínistər/ v1. to control the operation or arrangement of something; to manage or govern
administer /ædmínistər/ v2. to cause someone to receive something
administration /ædmìnəstréiʃən/ n1. the arrangements and tasks needed to control the operation of a plan or organization
administration /ædmìnəstréiʃən/ n2. a period of government in the United States
administration /ædmìnəstréiʃən/ n3. the act of administering something, especially a law, test, or medicine
administrative /ædmínəstrèitiv/ adj. relating to the work of managing a company or organization
administrator /ædmínəstrèitər/ n. someone whose job is to control the operation of a business, organization or plan
admire /ædmáiər/ v1. to respect and like someone because they have done something that you think is good
admire /ædmáiər/ v2. to look at something and think how beautiful or impressive it is
admission /ædmíʃən/ n1. when you agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
admission /ædmíʃən/ n2. when someone is given permission to enter a place, or the money that you pay to enter a place
admit /ædmít/ v1. to agree that something is true, especially unwillingly
admit /ædmít/ v2. to allow someone to enter a place: to allow a person or country to join an organization
admit /ædmít/ v3. to allow someone to enter a hospital because they need medical care
admittance /ædmítns/ n. permission to enter a place
admittedly /ædmítidli/ adv. used when you are agreeing that something is true, especially unwillingly
adolescence /æ`dəlésns/ n. the period of time in a person's life when they are developing into an adult
adopt /ədɑ'pt/ v1. to take another person's child into your own family and legally look after him or her as your own child
adopt /ədɑ'pt/ v2. to accept or start to use something new: to choose or take as your own
adoption /ədɑ'pʃən/ n1. the act of legally taking a child to be looked after as your own
adoption /ədɑ'pʃən/ n2. accepting or starting to use something new: choosing or taking something as your own
advance /ædvæ'ns/ adj. happening, done or ready before an event
advance /ædvæ'ns/ n1. the forward movement of something, or an improvement or development in something
advance /ædvæ'ns/ n2. money paid to someone before the regular time
advance /ædvæ'ns/ v1. to go or move something forward, or to develop or improve something
advance /ædvæ'ns/ v2. to pay someone some money before the regular time
advanced /ædvæ'nst/ adj. modern and well developed: at a higher, more difficult level
advancement /ædvæ'nsmənt/ n. the development or improvement of something
advantage /ædvæ'ntiʤ/ n. a condition that helps you or gives you a greater chance of success
advantageous /æ`dvəntéiʤəs/ adj. helping to make you more successful
advertise /æ'dvərtàiz/ v1. to tell the public about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it
advertise /æ'dvərtàiz/ v2. to put information in a newspaper or on the Internet, asking for someone or something that you need
advertisement /æ`dvərtáizmənt/ n. a picture, short film, song, etc which tries to persuade people to buy a product or service
advertising /æ'dvərtàiziŋ/ n. the business of trying to persuade people to buy products or services
advice /ædváis/ n. suggestions about what you think someone should do or how they should do something
advisable /ædváizəbl/ adj. If something is advisable, it will avoid problems if you do it
advocate /æ'dvəkət/ n. someone who supports a particular idea or way of doing things
advocate /æ'dvəkət/ v. to express support for a particular idea or way of doing things
aeronautic, aeronautical /èrənɔ':tik, èrənɔ':tik(ə)l/ adj. involving or relating to the design and construction of aeroplanes
aeronautics /è(ə)rənɔ':tiks/ n. the science of designing, building and operating aircraft
aerospace /éərəspeis/ n. the design and production of aircraft
affect /əfékt/ v. to influence someone or something, or cause them to change: to cause a strong emotion, especially sadness
affectation /æ`fektéiʃən/ n. a way of speaking or behaving that is not natural to someone
affection /əfékʃən/ n. a feeling of liking or loving someone
affectionate /əfékʃənət/ adj. showing that you like or love someone
affiliate /əfílièit/ n. a company, organization etc that is connected with or controlled by a larger one
affiliate /əfílièit/ v. if a group or organization affiliates to or with another larger one, it forms a close connection with it
affiliated /əfílièitid/ adj. closely connected to or controlled by a group or an organization
affinity /əfínəti/ n. a feeling that you like and understand someone or something: a similarity
affluent /æ'fluənt/ adj. having a lot of money
afford /əfɔ':rd/ v1. [can ~]to have enough money to buy something or enough time to do something
afford /əfɔ':rd/ v2. [can ~ to do]If you can afford to do something, it is possible for you to do it without causing problems
affordable /əfɔ':rdəbl/ adj. cheap enough for most people
afraid /əfréid/ adj1. feeling fear, or feeling anxiety about the possible results of a particular situation
afraid /əfréid/ adj2. feeling regret, esp. because something is not the way you think it should be
after sales / after-sales adj. provided after a customer has paid for and received a product or service
afterward /æ'ftərwərd(z)/ adv. after the time mentioned; later

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