surplus/sə':rplʌs/adj. being more than you need
n. an amount of something that is more than you need
surprise/sərpráiz/n1. something that you did not expect to happen
n2. the feeling that you get when something happens that you did not expect
v. to make someone feel surprise
surprised/sərpráizd/adj. feeling surprise because something has happened that you did not expect
surprisingly/sərpráiziŋli/adv. used to say that something is surprising
surround/səráund/v. to be or go everywhere around something or someone
surrounding/səráundiŋ/adj. in a position around something
surroundings/səráundiŋz/n. the place where someone or something is and the things that are in it
survey/sə':rvei/n. an examination of people’s opinions or behaviour done by asking people questions
survey/sərvéi/v1. to look at or examine something carefully
v2. to ask people questions in order to find out about their opinions or behaviour
survival/sərváivəl/n. the state of continuing to live, especially after a dangerous situation
survive/sərváiv/v. to continue to live after almost dying because of an accident, illness, etc.
suspect/sʌ'spekt/n. someone who may have committed a crime
suspect/səspékt/v1. to think that someone may have committed a crime or done something else bad
v2. to think that something is probably true
suspend/səspénd/v1. to stop something happening for a short time
v2. to hang something from somewhere
suspicious/səspíʃəs/adj1. making you feel that something is wrong or that something bad is happening
adj2. not trusting someone
sustain/səstéin/v1. to keep something in operation; maintain:
v2. to suffer or experience damage or loss
v3. to support someone emotionally
sustainable/səstéinəbl/adj. able to be maintained or continued
sweep/swí:p/v1. to clean the floor using a brush
v2. to push or carry something with force
swell/swél/v. to get bigger or to make something bigger
swift/swift/adj. happening or moving quickly
symbol/símbəl/n. a sign or object that is used to mean something
sympathy/símpəθi/n. the feeling of understanding and caring about someone’s problems
symptom/símptəm/n. a physical feeling or problem that shows that you have a particular illness
syndicate/síndikət/n. a group of people or organizations who join together to share the financial risk involved in achieving something
synthetic/sinθétik/adj. made artificially and not produced from natural substances