TOEIC英・英単語 A-4

analyze /æ'nəlàiz/ v. to examine the details of something carefully, in order to understand or explain it
ancient /éinʃənt/ adj. from a long time ago: very old
annex /ənéks/ n. an extra building added to a larger building
annex /ənéks/ v. to take possession of an area of land or a country, usually by force or without permission
anniversary /æ`nəvə':rsəri/ n. a date on which you remember or celebrate something that happened on that date one or more years ago
announce /ənáuns/ v. to tell people about something officially or with force or confidence
announcement /ənáunsmənt/ n. something that someone says officially, giving information about something: when someone announces something
annoy /ənɔ'i/ v. to make someone slightly angry
annoyance /ənɔ'iəns/ n. the feeling of being annoyed
annual /æ'njuəl/ adj. happening or produced once a year: measured over a period of one year
annually /æ'njuəli/ adv. once a year
anonymous /ənɑ'nəməs/ adj. not giving a name
answering machine a machine that records your telephone calls when you cannot answer them (mainly UK: answerphone)
anticipate /æntísəpèit/ v. to expect something, or to prepare for something before it happens
anticipation /æntìsəpéiʃən/ n. when you are waiting for something to happen, usually with excitement
antique /æntí:k/ adj. antique furniture, jewellery etc is old and often valuable
antique /æntí:k/ n. a piece of furniture, jewellery etc that was made a very long time ago and is therefore valuable
anxiety /æŋzáiəti/ n. the feeling of being very worried
anxious /æ'ŋ(k)ʃəs/ adj. worried and nervous: wanting to do something or wanting something to happen
anytime /énitàim/ adv. at a time which is not or does not need to be decided or agreed
anywhere /éni(h)wèər/ adv. in or to any place: used in questions and negatives to mean 'a place'
apart from except for: in addition to
apartment /əpɑ':rtmənt/ n. a set of rooms for someone to live in on one level of a building or house
apologize /əpɑ'ləʤàiz/ v. to tell someone that you are sorry about something you have done
apology /əpɑ'ləʤi/ n. something you say or write to say that you are sorry about something you have done
apparatus /æ`pəræ'təs/ n. a set of equipment or tools used for a particular purpose
apparel /əpæ'rəl/ n. clothes
apparent /əpæ'rənt/ adj. obvious or easy to notice: seeming to exist or be true
apparently /əpæ'rəntli/ adv1. used to say that you have read or been told something although you are not certain it is true
apparently /əpæ'rəntli/ adv2. used to say that something seems to be true, although it is not certain
appeal /əpí:l/ n1. when a lot of people are asked to give money, information, or help
appeal /əpí:l/ n2. the quality in someone or something that makes them attractive or enjoyable
appeal /əpí:l/ n3. a request to a court of law to change a previous legal decis
appeal /əpí:l/ v1. to strongly request something, often publicly: to attract or interest someone
appeal /əpí:l/ v2. to formally ask someone to change an official or legal decision
appear /əpíər/ v1. to seem to be a particular thing or have a particular quality
appear /əpíər/ v2. to start to be seen: to start to exist or become available
appear in/at/on, etc to perform in a film, play, etc, or be seen in public
appetite /æ'pətàit/ n. the feeling that makes you want to eat
applaud /əplɔ':d/ v1. to clap your hands to show that you have enjoyed a performance, talk, etc
applaud /əplɔ':d/ v2. to approve of or admire something
applause /əplɔ':z/ n. when people make a noise by clapping their hands to show they have enjoyed or approve of something
appliance /əpláiəns/ n. a piece of electrical equipment with a particular purpose in the home
applicable /æ'plikəbl/ adj. affecting or relating to a person or situation
applicant /æ'plikənt/ n. someone who asks for something officially, often by writing
application /æ`pləkéiʃən/ n1. an official request for something, usually in writing
application /æ`pləkéiʃən/ n2. a way in which something can be used for a particular purpose
application form a form that you use to officially ask for something, for example a job
applied /əpláid/ adj. relating to a subject of study, especially a science, that has a practical use
apply /əplái/ v1. to ask officially for something, often by writing: to affect or relate to a particular person or situation
apply /əplái/ v2. to use something in a particular situation: to spread a substance on a surface
appoint /əpɔ'int/ v. to officially choose someone for a job
appointed date/time/place, etc the date, time, place, etc that has been chosen for something to happen
appointment /əpɔ'intmənt/ n1. a time you have arranged to meet someone or go somewhere
appointment /əpɔ'intmənt/ n2. when you officially choose someone for an important job, or the job itself
appraisal /əpréizəl/ n. when you examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or needs
appraise /əpréiz/ v. to examine someone or something in order to judge their qualities, success or needs
appreciate /əprí:ʃièit/ v1. to understand how good something or someone is and be able to enjoy them
appreciate /əprí:ʃièit/ v2. to understand something about a situation, especially that it is complicated or difficult
appreciate /əprí:ʃièit/ v3. to feel grateful for something: to increase in value
appreciation /əprì:ʃiéiʃən/ n1. when you recognize or understand that something is valuable, important or as described
appreciation /əprì:ʃiéiʃən/ n2. increase in price, value, etc.
apprentice /əpréntis/ n. someone who works for someone in order to learn their skill
approach /əpróuʧ/ n1. a way of doing something: when you speak or write to someone, often asking to buy something or offering them work
approach /əpróuʧ/ n2. when something or someone gets nearer, in distance or time: a path or route that leads to a place
approach /əpróuʧ/ v1. to come close in distance or time: to deal with something
approach /əpróuʧ/ v2. to speak or write to someone, often asking to buy something or offering them work
appropriate /əpróupriət/ adj. suitable or right for a particular situation or person
appropriate /əpróupriət/ v. to take or steal something
approval /əprú:vəl/ n. when you think that something or someone is good or right: official permission
approve /əprú:v/ v. to allow or officially agree to something: to think that something is good or right
approximate /əprɑ'ksəmət/ adj. not completely accurate but close
approximate /əprɑ'ksəmət/ v. to be almost the same as something
approximately /əprɑ'ksəmətli/ adv. close to a particular number or time although not exactly that number or time
aptitude /æ'ptət(j)ù:d/ n. a natural skill or an ability to do something well
architect /ɑ':rkətèkt/ n. someone who designs buildings
architecture /ɑ':rkətèkʧər/ n. the design and style of buildings: the skill of designing buildings
argue /ɑ':rgju:/ v1. to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with them
argue /ɑ':rgju:/ v2. to give reasons to support or oppose an idea, action, etc
argument /ɑ':rgjumənt/ n1. an angry discussion with someone in which you both disagree
argument /ɑ':rgjumənt/ n2. a reason or reasons why you support or oppose an idea, action, etc
arise /əráiz/ v. If a problem arises, it starts to happen: to get up, usually from a bed
armchair /ɑ':rmʧer/ n. a comfortable chair with sides that support your arms
armrest /ɑ':rmrest/ n. the part of a chair that supports the arm
around/round the clock all day and all night
arouse /əráuz/ v. to make someone have a particular feeling or reaction: to make someone sexually excited
arrange /əréinʤ/ v1. to make the necessary plans and preparations for something to happen
arrange /əréinʤ/ v2. to put objects in a particular order or position
arrangement /əréinʤmənt/ n1. plans for how something will happen: an agreement between two people or groups
arrangement /əréinʤmənt/ n2. a group of objects in a particular order or position
arrest /ərést/ v. If the police arrest someone, they take them away to ask them about a crime which they might have committed
arrive /əráiv/ v. to get to a place: to happen or start to exist
arrive at an answer/decision/conclusion, etc to find an answer to a problem or make a decision after a lot of discussion
artery /ɑ':rtəri/ n. one of the thick tubes that carry blood from the heart to other parts of the body
article /ɑ':rtikl/ n1. a piece of writing in a magazine, newspaper, etc: an object, especially one of many
article /ɑ':rtikl/ n2. in grammar, used to mean the words 'the', 'a', or 'an'
artifact /ɑ':rtəfæ`kt/ n. an object, especially something very old of historical interest
artificial /ɑ`:rtəfíʃəl/ adj. not natural, but made by people: not sincere
artisan /ɑ':rtəzən/ n. someone who does skilled work with their hands
as a whole when considered as a group and not in parts

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