TOEIC英・英単語 D-1

daily /déili/ adj. occurring on a regular basis
daily /déili/ n. newspaper that is published 5 to 7 times a week
damage /dæ'miʤ/ n. injury; harm
damage /dæ'miʤ/ v. to cause harm; to cause injury; to destroy partly
danger /déinʤər/ n. risk; peril; hazard
daring /dé(ə)riŋ/ adj. brave
dash /dæ'ʃ/ n. hyphen; drop; pinch; rush; sprint
dash /dæ'ʃ/ v. to move with sudden speed; to bolt; to shatter; to hurl; to cast
date /déit/ n. day, month and year according to the calendar; interview; meeting
deadline /dédlain/ n. a time by which something must be finished
deal /dí:l/ n. agreement; business transaction; exchange; amount
deal /dí:l/ v. to provide; to offer; to distribute; to supply; to sell; to trade
deal with v. phrase, to attend to; to manage; to see to
dealer /dí:lər/ n. supplier; seller; merchant; agent; sales representative
dealing /dí:liŋ/ n. manner of doing business; behavior; distribution; giving out
debate /dibéit/ n. argument; dispute; discussion; conversation
debate /dibéit/ v. to argue; to discuss; to consider; to ponder
debris /dəbrí:/ n. rubble; ruins; wreckage; fragments
debt /dét/ n. something owed, as in money or goods
debut /deibjú:/ n. opening of a show; first public appearance
debut /deibjú:/ v. to perform for the first time; to make one's premiere performance
decade /dékeid/ n. a period of ten years
deceit /disí:t/ n. falsehood
deceive /disí:v/ v. to mislead by or as by falsehood
decent /dí:snt/ adj. characterized by propriety of conduct, speech, manners, or dress
decide /disáid/ v. to choose; to select from several options; to conclude; to resolve
decipher /disáifər/ v. to find out the true words or meaning of, as something hardly legible
decision /disíʒən/ n. determination; resolution; ruling (especially in court)
decisive /disáisiv/ adj. conclusive
declaration /dèkləréiʃən/ n. statement; proclamation; announcement
declare /dikléər/ v. to proclaim; to make a statement; to make a full statement of (one's taxable or dutiable property)
decline /dikláin/ n. downward; descent; slope; ebb
decline /dikláin/ v. to refuse; to go down; to decrease; to fall
decorate /dékərèit/ v. to embellish
decrease /dikrí:s/ n. decline; reduction; lessening
decrease /dikrí:s/ v. to reduce; to lessen; to decline
dedicate /dédikèit/ v. to devote to; to set apart for; to inscribe (a book, poem, song, story, etc.) to someone
dedication /dèdikéiʃən/ n. a commitment to something
deduce /did(j)ú:s/ v. to derive or draw as a conclusion by reasoning from given premises or principles
deduct /didʌ'kt/ v. to take away from a total; to subtract
deed of surrender n. a legal document that temporarily transfers a property from one individual to another
default /difɔ':lt/ n. failure to perform a duty; option on a computer which is automatically selected
default /difɔ':lt/ v. to fail to perform a duty; to fail to pay on time; to fail to appear in court
defect /dí:fekt/ n. deficiency; flaw
defect /dí:fekt/ v. to desert; to abandon; to change sides
defend /difénd/ v. to protect; to secure; to vindicate
defendant /diféndənt/ n. a person against whom a suit is brought
defense /diféns/ n. protection; security; rampart; shield
defensive /difénsiv/ adj. carried on in resistance to aggression
defer /difə':r / v. to delay or put off to some other time.
deficiency /difíʃənsi/ n. lack or insufficiency
deficient /difíʃənt/ adj. not having an adequate or proper supply or amount
define /difáin/ v. to explain; to clarify; to limit; to set boundaries
definite /défənit/ adj. having an exact signification or positive meaning
definition /dèfəníʃən/ n. explanation; meaning; interpretation (as of a word or term)
deform /difɔ':rm/ v. to disfigure
degrade /digréid/ v. to take away honors or position from
degree /digrí:/ n. rank; extent; university certificate
delay /diléi/ n. the period of time during which one is delayed
delay /diléi/ v. to postpone until a later time
delegate /déligət/ n. representative; deputy; agent; participant of a conference, convention, seminar etc.
delegate /déligət/ v. to authorize; to appoint as representative; to pass a duty or responsibility on to someone else
delete /dilí:t/ v. to remove; to erase
deliberately /dilíbərətli/ adv. intentionally; purposefully; methodically
delicate /délikət/ adj. sensitive
delicate /délikət/ adv. with sensitivity
delicious /dilíʃəs/ adj. tasty; having a pleasant taste or smell
deliver /dilívər/ v. to convey; to give; to bring; to distribute; to express
delivery /dilív(ə)ri/ n. the act of conveying or delivering
deluxe /dəlʌ'ks/ adj. noticeably luxurious
demand /dimæ'nd/ n. claim; requirement; strong request
demand /dimæ'nd/ v. to claim; to require; to request strongly
demanding /dimæ'ndiŋ/ adj. requiring much effort or attention
demeanor /dimí:nər/ n. behavior; conduct; bearing; appearance
demographics /dèməgræ'fiks/ n. study of the statistical characteristics of a population
demolish /dimɑ'liʃ/ v. to destroy; to ruin; to tear down; to remove
demonstrate /démənstrèit/ v. to show clearly and deliberately; to present by example
demonstration /dèmənstréiʃən/ n. exhibition; explanation; showing
denial /dináiəl/ n. refusal to accept; refusal to believe; refusal to recognize
denominate /dinɑ'mənèit/ v. to give a name or epithet to
denomination /dinɑ`mənéiʃən/ n. a body of christians united by a common faith and form of worship and discipline
denominator /dinɑ'mənèitər/ n. shared characteristic; common feature
denounce /dináuns/ v. to point out or publicly accuse as deserving of punishment, censure, or odium
dense /déns/ adj. compact; having a high mass per unit volume; close
density /dénsəti/ n. compactness; closeness
denunciation /dinʌ`nsiéiʃən/ n. the act of declaring an action or person worthy of reprobation or punishment
deny /dinái/ v. to say that something is not true; to refuse; to renounce
depart /dipɑ':rt/ v. to leave; to go away; to go in a different direction; to die
department /dipɑ':rtmənt/ n. division of a company; section; area
departmental /dipɑ:rtméntl/ adj. arranged in divisions; divisional; concerning an office
departure /dipɑ':rʧər/ n. leaving; going away; opposite of arrival
depend /dipénd/ v. to rely on; to trust; to be supported by
dependent /dipéndənt/ adj. relying on; needing (the help or support of another person); conditional; contingent
dependent /dipéndənt/ n. one who relies on another especially for financial support
depict /dipíkt/ v. to describe; to illustrate; to characterize; to portray; to elucidate
deplete /diplí:t/ v. to reduce or lessen, as by use, exhaustion, or waste
deplorable /diplɔ':rəbl / adj. contemptible.
deplore /diplɔ':r/ v. to regard with grief or sorrow
deploy /diplɔ'i/ v. to speak out; to move into a position of readiness and availability
deport /dipɔ':rt/ v. to take or send away forcibly, as to a penal colony

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