TOEIC英・英単語 A-3

age /éiʤ/ n. the number of years that someone has lived, or that something has existed: a period of history: when something is old
age /éiʤ/ v. to become older or to make someone seem older
agency /éiʤənsi/ n1. a business which represents one group of people when dealing with another group
agency /éiʤənsi/ n2. an organization or department, especially within a government, that does a specific job
agenda /əʤéndə/ n. a list of subjects that people will discuss at a meeting: important subjects that have to be dealt with
agent /éiʤənt/ n1. someone whose job is to deal with business for someone else
agent /éiʤənt/ n2. someone who tries to find out secret information, especially about another country
aggravate /æ'grəvèit/ v. to make a bad situation worse: to make a disease worse: to annoy someone
aggressive /əgrésiv/ adj1. behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person
aggressive /əgrésiv/ adj2. determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to achieve victory or success
aging, ageing /éiʤiŋ/ adj. becoming older
aging, ageing /éiʤiŋ/ n. the process of becoming older
agree /əgrí:/ v1. to have the same opinion as someone: to say you will do something that someone asks you to do
agree /əgrí:/ v2. to decide something with someone: If two descriptions agree, they are the same
agree with sth to think that something is morally acceptable
agreeable /əgrí:əbl/ adj. pleasant or nice
agreement /əgrí:mənt/ n. a promise or decision made between two or more people: when people have the same opinion as each other
agricultural /æ`grikʌ'lʧər(ə)l/ adj. involving or relating to agriculture
agriculture /æ'grikʌ`lʧər/ n. the work and methods of growing crops and looking after animals which are then used for food
ahead /əhéd/ adv1. in front: having more points than someone else in a competition
ahead /əhéd/ adv2. in the future: making more progress than someone or something else
aid /éid/ n1. money, food, or equipment that is given to help a country or group of people
aid /éid/ n2. a piece of equipment that helps you to do something
aid /éid/ v. to help someone
ailing /éiliŋ/ adj. weak and suffering from illness
aim /éim/ n. something that you plan or hope to achieve
aim /éim/ v. to plan or hope to achieve something
aim at to produce something for a particular purpose or a particular group of people
aircraft /érkræ`ft/ n. a vehicle that can fly
airfare /éərfer/ n. the cost of a ticket to fly somewhere
airfreight /éərfreìt/ n. goods that are carried by plane, or the system of carrying goods by plane
aisle /áil/ n. a passage between the lines of seats or goods in a plane, church, supermarket, etc
alarm /əlɑ':rm/ n1. a loud noise that warns you of danger: a clock that makes a noise to wake you
alarm /əlɑ':rm/ n2. a sudden feeling of fear or worry that something bad might happen
alarm /əlɑ':rm/ v. to make someone worried or frightened
alignment /əláinmənt/ n1. the state of being arranged in a line with something or parallel to something
alignment /əláinmənt/ n2. support given by one country or group to another in politics, defence etc
all at once suddenly
all but almost
all sorts of sth many different types of something
(all) on your own alone: If you do something on your own, you do it without any help from other people
allege /əléʤ/ n. to say that someone has done something wrong or illegal, but not prove it
allegedly /əléʤidli/ adv. used when reporting something that people say is true, although it has not been proved
allergy /æ'lərʤi/ n. a medical condition that causes you to react badly or feel ill when you eat or touch a particular substance
alleviate /əlí:vièit/ v. to make something bad such as pain or problems less severe
alliance /əláiəns/ n. an agreement between countries or political parties to work together to achieve something
allocate /æ'ləkèit/ v. to give some time, money, space, etc to be used for a particular purpose
allocation /æ`ləkéiʃən/ n1. the amount or share of something that has been allocated for a particular purpose
allocation /æ`ləkéiʃən/ n2. the decision to allocate something, or the act of allocating it
allot /əlɑ't/ v. to give (especially a share of something available) for a particular purpose
allow /əláu/ v1. to give someone permission for something: to not prevent something from happening
allow /əláu/ v2. to make it possible for someone to do something: to plan to use a particular amount of money, time, etc for something
allowable /əláuəbl/ adj. allowed according to the rules or laws that control a particular area of activity
allowance /əláuəns/ n1. money that you are given regularly, especially to pay for a particular thing
allowance /əláuəns/ n2. an amount of something that you are allowed
allude /əlú:d/ v. to refer to someone or something but not directly
ally /əlái/ n1. someone who supports you, especially when other people are against you
ally /əlái/ n2. a country that has agreed to help another country, especially in a war
ally /əlái/ v. to help and support other people or countries, especially in a war or disagreement
along with sb/sth in addition to someone or something else
alongside /əlɑ':ŋsaid/ adv. prep. next to someone or something: together with someone
alter /ɔ':ltər/ v. to change, or to make someone or something change
alteration /ɔ`:ltəréiʃən/ n. a change, or the process of changing something
alternate /ɔ'ltərnèit/ adj1. with first one thing, then another thing, and then the first thing again
alternate /ɔ'ltərnèit/ adj2. If something happens on alternate days, it happens every second day
alternate /ɔ'ltərnèit/ adj3. An alternate plan, method, etc is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one
alternate /ɔ'ltərnèit/ v. if two things alternate, or if you alternate them, they happen one after the other in a repeated pattern
alternately /ɔ':ltərnətli/ adv. in an alternating sequence or position
alternative /ɔ:ltə':rnətiv/ adj. An alternative plan, method, etc is one that you can use if you do not want to use another one
alternative /ɔ:ltə':rnətiv/ n. one of two or more things that you can choose between
alternative energy energy from moving water, wind, the sun and gas from animal waste
alternatively /ɔ:ltə':rnətivli/ adv. used to give a second possibility
altitude /æ'ltət(j)ù:d/ n. the height of something above sea level
altogether /ɔ`:ltəgéðər/ adv. completely: in total: when you consider everything
alumna /əlʌ'mnə/ n. a woman who is a former student of a school, college, etc
alumnus /əlʌ'mnəs/ n. a former student of a school, college etc
amateur /æ'məʧùər/ adj. doing something as a hobby and not as your job
amateur /æ'məʧùər/ n. someone who does something as a hobby and not as their job: someone who is not good at what they do
amaze /əméiz/ v. to make someone very surprised
amazed /əméizd/ adj. extremely surprised
amazement /əméizmənt/ n. extreme surprise
amazing /əméiziŋ/ adj. very surprising
ambassador /æmbæ'sədər/ n. the main official sent by the government of a country to represent it in another country
ambiguous /æmbígjuəs/ adj. having more than one possible meaning
ambitious /æmbíʃəs/ adj. wanting to be successful or powerful: An ambitious plan will need a lot of work and will be difficult to achieve
ambivalent /æmbívələnt/ adj. having two opposing feelings at the same time, or being uncertain about how you feel
ambulance /æ'mbjuləns/ n. a vehicle that takes people to hospital when they are ill or hurt
amend /əménd/ v. to slightly change the words of a document
amendment /əméndmənt/ n1. a change made to the words of a text
amendment /əméndmənt/ n2. a change to a law that is not yet in operation and is still being discussed
amenity /əménəti/ n. a building, piece of equipment, or service that is provided for people's comfort or enjoyment
amiable /éimiəbl/ adj. describes a person or their behaviour that is pleasant and friendly
amid /əmíd/ prep. while something else is happening: among
amount /əmáunt/ n. how much there is of something
amount to sth to be the same as something, or to have the same effect as something: to have a particular total
amuse /əmjú:z/ v. to make someone smile or laugh: to keep someone interested and help them to have an enjoyable time
amusement /əmjú:zmənt/ n. the feeling that you have when something makes you smile or laugh: an enjoyable way of spending your time
amusing /əmjú:ziŋ/ adj. making you laugh or smile
an appetite for sth when you want something very much
analysis /ənæ'ləsis/ n. the process of analysing something
analyst /æ'nəlist/ n. someone whose job is to examine the details of a situation carefully, and give their opinion about it

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