TOEIC英・英単語 B-1

back /bæ'k/ adj. behind; after; rear; hind
back /bæ'k/ adv. to the rear; to the past
back /bæ'k/ n. part of a chair; rear part of the human body
back /bæ'k/ v. to support; to assist; to strengthen
back door n. the U.S. treasury
back order n. ordered merchandise that is not currently in stock but will be supplied in the future
back up v. to support; to solidify; to strengthen
background /bæ'kgraund/ n. setting; biography
backlash /bæ'klæʃ/ n. rebound; recoiling; sudden movement to the rear
backup /bæ'kʌp/ n. copying of data for safety purposes; substitute; reserve; spare
badge /bæ'ʤ/ n. tag; sign; identification tag
baggage /bæ'giʤ/ n. luggage; cargo; things to take on a trip; equipment
balance /bæ'ləns/ n. the remainder
balance /bæ'ləns/ v. to make equal
bank /bæ'ŋk/ n. institution for saving and borrowing money; cashier
bank /bæ'ŋk/ v. to deposit money; in a money institution; to count on; to depend upon
bank draft n. check
banknote /bæ'ŋknòut/ n. bill; money made of paper
bankrupt /bæ'ŋkrʌpt/ adj. lacking; deficient; insolvent; unable to pay debts
bankrupt /bæ'ŋkrʌpt/ n. a person who was unable to repay their debts
bankrupt /bæ'ŋkrʌpt/ v. to ruin financially; to go bust; to go broke; to collapse
bankruptcy /bæ'ŋkrʌptsi/ n. state of losing property to one's creditor's due to unpaid debts; insolvency
banquet /bæ'ŋkwit/ n. celebration; feast; dinner; drinking
banquet /bæ'ŋkwit/ v. to hold a party; to feast; to dine; to drink
barbed wire n. metal cord with sharp projecting points
barely /béərli/ adv. hardly; scarcely
bargain /bɑ':rgən/ n. something offered or acquired at a price advantageous to the buyer
bargain /bɑ':rgən/ v. to negotiate; to arrive at an agreement
barometer /bərɑ'mətər/ n. commercial and market information that indicates overall economic trends
barren capital n. money which is not generating profit
barrier /bæ'riər/ n. border; limit; obstacle; barricade
barter /bɑ':rtər/ n. exchanging of goods and services; trade
barter /bɑ':rtər/ v. to exchange goods and services
base /béis/ adj. low; despicable; ignoble
base /béis/ n. foundation; principal element; fundamental part
base /béis/ v. to establish; to found; to set up; to place on
basic /béisik/ adj. serving as a starting point or basis
basis /béisis/ n. foundation; grounding
batter /bæ'tər/ n. a thick liquid mixture of two or more materials beaten together, to be used in cookery
be aware of v. to be conscious of; to be knowledgeable about
be exposed to v. to become aware of; to gain experience in
be in charge of v. to be in control or command of
be ready for v. to be prepared
bear /béər/ v. to have a tolerance for; to endure
bearer /bé(ə)rər/ n. person who holds a money order
bearer instrument n. a signed money order which is payable on demand to the holder
become /bikʌ'm/ v. to turn into; to develop into; to grow into
becoming /bikʌ'miŋ/ adj. appropriate; noble
beforehand /bifɔ':rhænd/ adv. early, in advance
behalf /bihæ'f/ n. representing; in support of
behavior /bihéivjər/ n. the manner of one's action
behind /biháind/ adv. late; tardy
behind /biháind/ n. rear; end; seat
behind /biháind/ prep. after; in back of
beige book n. report on current economic conditions, published by the Federal Reserve Board
belief /bilí:f/ n. opinion; creed; religion; faith; conviction
believe /bilí:v/ v. to have faith in; to assume; to suppose
below /bilóu/ adv. at a further point
below /bilóu/ prep. under; beneath; underneath
benchmark /bén(t)ʃmɑ:rk/ n. criterion; measure; point of reference for comparison
beneath /biní:θ/ adv. under; below
beneath /biní:θ/ prep. under; underneath
beneficent /bənéfəs(ə)nt/ adj. kind; good
beneficial /bènəfíʃəl/ adj. advantageous; pleasurable; enjoyable
beneficiary /bènəfíʃièri/ n. one who is lawfully entitled to the profits and proceeds of an estate or property
benefit /bénəfìt/ n. advantage; profit; aid; stipend
benefit /bénəfìt/ v. to profit; to gain; to be advantageous
benefits /bénifits/ n. the advantages provided to an employee in addition to salary
benefits /bénifits/ v. to take advantage of
benevolent /bənévələnt/ adj. loving others and actively desirous of their well-being
between /bitwí:n/ adv. amid; in the middle
between /bitwí:n/ prep. intermediate to; common; shared
beverage /bév(ə)riʤ/ n. drink; refreshment
bewilder /biwíldər/ v. to confuse the perceptions or judgment of
beyond /biɑ'nd/ adv. past; further than
beyond /biɑ'nd/ prep. further; more distant
bias /báiəs/ n. prejudice; tendency; leaning
bias /báiəs/ v. to prejudice; to influence opinions
bibliography /bìbliɑ'grəfi/ n. a list of the words of an author, or the literature bearing on a particular subject
bilateral /bailæ'tərəl / adj. two-sided.
bill /bíl/ n. banknote; invoice; proposed law
bill /bíl/ v. to charge; to announce; to advertise
biography /baiɑ'grəfi/ n. a written account of one's life, actions, and character
biology /baiɑ'ləʤi/ n. the science of life or living organisms
birth rate n. number of babies that are born per year per thousand
birthright /bə':rθrait/ n. a privilege or possession into which one is born
blame /bléim/ n. guilt; responsibility; liability
blame /bléim/ v. to accuse; to denounce
blanket /blæ'ŋkit/ adj. comprehensive; inclusive
blanket /blæ'ŋkit/ n. bed covering; quilt
blanket /blæ'ŋkit/ v. to cover; to coat
blaze /bléiz/ n. a vivid glowing flame
blue sky laws n. rules introduced by the government to regulate the trade of securities and mutual funds
blunder /blʌ'ndər/ n. gross error; stupid mistake
blunder /blʌ'ndər/ v. to make a stupid mistake; to move back and forth in a clumsy manner
board /bɔ':rd/ n. management committee; food
board /bɔ':rd/ v. to accommodate; to house; to enter (a plane, ship, bus, etc.)
bodily /bɑ'dli/ adj. corporeal
boiler room n. a fraud scheme involving cold calling
bombard /bɑmbɑ':rd/ v. to assail with any missile or with abusive speech

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