TOEIC英・英単語 A-6

attribution /æ`trəbjú:ʃən/ n. the act of saying what the origin or cause of something is
auction /ɔ':kʃən/ n. a public meeting where land, buildings, paintings etc are sold to the person who offers the most money for them
auction /ɔ':kʃən/ v. to sell something at an auction
audience /ɔ':diəns/ n1. the people who sit and watch a performance at a theatre, cinema, etc
audience /ɔ':diəns/ n2. the type of people who watch a particular TV show, read a particular book, etc
audience /ɔ':diəns/ n3. a formal meeting with an important person
audit /ɔ':dit/ n1. an official examination of a company's financial records in order to check that they are correct
audit /ɔ':dit/ n2. a detailed examination of something in order to check if it is good enough
audit /ɔ':dit/ v1. to officially examine a company's financial records in order to check that they are correct
audit /ɔ':dit/ v2. to attend a course at university without intending to take examinations in it or get a credit for it
auditor /ɔ':dətər/ n. someone whose job is to carry out an official examination of the accounts of a business and to produce a report
auditorium /ɔ`:dətɔ':riəm/ n1. the part of a theatre, or similar building, where the people who are watching and listening sit
auditorium /ɔ`:dətɔ':riəm/ n2. a large public building such as a theatre
authentic /ɔ:θéntik/ adj. If something is authentic, it is real, true, or what people say it is
authenticate /ɔ:θéntəkèit/ v. to prove that something is real, true, or what people say it is
author /ɔ':θər/ n. the writer of a book, article, play, etc.: a person who begins or creates something
authority /əθɔ':rəti/ n1. the moral or legal right or ability to control: an expert on a subject
authority /əθɔ':rəti/ n2. a group of people with official responsibility for a particular area of activity
authority /əθɔ':rəti/ n3. [the -ies] the group of people with official responsibility for a particular area
authorization /ɔ`:θərizéiʃən/ n. official permission for something to happen, or when someone is given official permission to do something
authorize /ɔ':θəràiz/ v. to give official permission for something to happen, or to give someone official permission to do something
auto /ɔ':tou/ n. a car: adj. relating to cars
autograph /ɔ':təgræ`f/ n. a signature of a famous person
autograph /ɔ':təgræ`f/ v. to write your signature on something for someone else to keep
automaker /ɑ':toumèikər/ n. a company that manufactures cars
automate /ɔ':təmèit/ v. to use machines or computers instead of people to do a particular task, especially in a factory or office
automated /ɔ':təmeitid/ adj. using computers and machines to do a job, rather than people
automatically /ɔ`:təmæ'tik(ə)li/ adv. If a machine or device does something automatically, it does it independently, without human control
automobile /ɔ`:təməbí:l/ n. a car
automotive /ɔ`:təmóutiv/ adj. relating to road vehicles
autonomous /ɔ:tɑ'nəməs/ adj. independent and having the power to make your own decisions
availability /əvèiləbíləti/ n1. the fact that something can be bought, used or reached, or whether or how much it can
availability /əvèiləbíləti/ n2. the fact that someone is free to work, be contacted, go to meetings, etc., or whether or how much they can
available /əvéiləbl/ adj. able to be bought, used, or reached
avenue /æ'vən(j)ù:/ n. a wide road, with trees or tall buildings on both sides, or a wide countryside path or road with trees on both sides
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ adj1. calculated by adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ adj2. typical or normal
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ adj3. ordinary; not special
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ n1. the result of adding several amounts together, finding a total, and dividing the total by the number of amounts
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ n2. a level which is usual
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ v1. to be equal to a particular amount as an average
average /æ'v(ə)riʤ/ v2. to calculate the average of something
avoid /əvɔ'id/ v. to stay away from someone or something, or prevent something from happening or not allow yourself to do something
avoidable /əvɔ'idəbl/ adj. possible to avoid
avoidance /əvɔ'idns/ n. the practice of avoiding something or someone
await /əwéit/ v. to wait for, or be waiting for something
award /əwɔ':rd/ n. a prize or a sum of money that is given to someone following an official decision
award /əwɔ':rd/ v. to give money or a prize following an official decision
aware /əwéər/ adj1. knowing or realizing something
aware /əwéər/ adj2. noticing that something is present, or that something is happening
aware /əwéər/ adj3. interested in and knowing about something, and thinking it is important
awareness /əwérnəs/ n. knowing something; knowing that something exists and is important; being interested in something

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